Friday, May 03, 2024


 Blue ...

Where are you now 

I miss you more than a words can say ?

Its so hurt 

Hurts badly 

My tears down ...

Blue life is so pain without you by my side.

I wish you were here now 

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Senandung Laut dan Langit Biru (2)

Senandung Laut dan Langit Biru (2)

perumpamaan aku dan kau
adalah lautan dan langit
sama-sama luas
sama-sama biru
sama-sama bertabur rindu

jarak diantara kita begitu jauh
aku sibuk dengan riak dan gejolak
dan kau sibuk dengan awan gemawan
tapi birunya kita bertaut di batas cakrawala

hati kita bertaut dikesamaan rasa

adakah kata yang tepat untuk kita?
tentang aku dan kau
jika rindu selalu bicara
tapi batas diantara kita begitu nyata?

cinta bagiku ada,
begitu nyata...

(November 2003)

Senandung Laut dan Langit Biru (1)

Senandung Laut dan Langit Biru (1)

kita bukanlah bibir pantai dengan ombaknya
yang hanya tahu bercumbu
berpeluk syahdu tak kenal masa

kita hanyalah kidung kesepian
kerinduan abadi sepasang kekasih
bumiku dan langitmu

tatapan mesra diantara kita begitu lekat
kau mewarnai lautan hatiku
dan kutaburi keluasan hatimu
yang kita punya warna yang sama
cinta yang biru...

yang kulihat dilangit hatimu
adalah desau kerinduan yg perih
tak terjangkau
tak terbasuhkan

tapi sebagaimana abadinya waktu
kita akan saling bersapa bertatap mesra
kau, aku, dengan bahasa rindu yang sama
yang cuma kita bisa mengenali
yang abadi...

oh, ya... itu yang terjadi!
karena cinta tak selamanya harus saling memiliki

(10 Nopember 2003)

JW Marriot

JW Marriot

untuk AJM:

dan jalan-jalan itu menjadi kenangan
ketika aku belum lagi melewatinya

di tempat itu kisahmu tertuang
utuh dalam segenap ingatanku

jalan-jalan itu menjadi kenangan
ketika aku melewatinya dengan bisu
rindu menggayuti seluruh inderaku
kau ada disini!

(Januari 2004)
dari depan Hotel JW Marriot

blue ocean

Friday, January 14, 2011

satu rasa

satu dalam rasa
walau tak pernah terungkapkan
tak pernah terkatakan

JW Marriots
14 January 2010

Thursday, December 23, 2010


kekasihku lautan biru ..

tahukah kau disaat ku menatapmu dari awan yang biru sambil bersenandungkan rindu pada mu ...
rindu yang tak pernah lekang asa maupun waktu ..

rindu yang selalu hadir bak air ditepian laut birumu yang tak pernah surut ..

rindu yang tak mengenal batas bak awan gemawan dilangit biru tempatku berdiam ..

kekasih hati
rindu itu ada ..
rindu itu milikmu dan milikku ..
rindu itu selalu ada menghiasi hati kita
walau rindu itu tak pernah terkatakan
tak pernah terwujudkan

medio akhir desember 2003 - 2010

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

I miss U

Dear Blue Sky,

Where are you?

I should say that I really miss you, today.
Missing you is just like I am missing my world.
It feels like I don't even exist now when I feel this way, while you're not around.
Its hard when I realize that I don't have a chance to have you.
Yes, we have each other virtually.
But some times, I do need you in reality.
I need the one with whom I can speak, sharing laugh, teasing each other, touching each other, etc. etc.


You must be wondering why I'm acting this way all sudden.
Yes, I'm gonna admit this...

I've just broke up with some one!

Some one! You must know her. The one who came from my old time.

Last two days, we, to be precise she, had just admitted that she has no more feeling towards me. For that, for me its okay. But one thing that make me feel so hurt is the fact that actually I was clapping with one hand so long, when we were spending some times together. When we were sharing our togetherness, going out for dinner, walking side by side and so on. It all was just a one-way feeling.

She'd never loved me, I guess. While I was so fall in love with her (I love her since I was on senior high school). Damned! She was pretending! How blind I was, how stupid I am..!

Last two days we open everything.

We broke up! Or, to be precise, she broke me up!!

I said okay.
I thank her for telling me honest (but I didn't tell her how shock I am. Didn't tell her how she stub my heart and gave a deep wound. A very bad hurt!!!) .

We promise to keep our friendship. One thing I don't know for sure whether I can keep up my promise.


I didn't know where I should go to share about this story.
I don't have any body to share such this thing. I don't have any one, but you.
I should release myself from this bad impact by disclosing what ever I feel right now.

I hope you don't mind having me sharing this here, in our horizon!

This is the only place I have, blue...

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry for visiting you not because we've been missing each other.
Sorry for turning my head on you when I am in misery because of being dumped!

I said her good bye and so long!

I hope, and I believe, that we'll never be united anymore.
I turn off all the story about her.

I feel so empty.

Can't feel nothing...

I wish I am not loosing my desire to write. I lost it once. Don't have any one to be my inspiration beside you are.

I really miss you, blue sky...
So much!

With love,
Blue Ocean

I tried to text you on 0818 15 something, but it ain't work no more.
Did you change your number?

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Saturday, September 18, 2010

its always you

you had me at " Hello"


dear blue ocean
i wish i could say whatever in my mind but i couldnt ...
i tried since couple weeks ago to write but everytime i hold my vaio tears drowning like stream so fast
arghhh wishin you here by my side ..

blue sky