Dear Blue SkyDo you know why i call u blue sky?
B'cos blue is the color of love.. For me, blue is the representative of the feeling of love.
When i'm falling in love, it'll automaticly drivin' me crazy abt blue color..
I change my desktop into blue, i pick color of blue for my tape dispenser..I feel so blue.. B'cos i am fallin in love.
And you? You are the one who make me fall in love..
All you thought, your email, your poem, your pm, your sms, your feeling toward me..
your attention to me.. the way you talk, the way you laugh.. even the way you think..
your smart.
But sadly i can't reach you bcos your place is too high..

You are some where in the height.
You are some one I can only see.
You are some one whose appear in my mind everytime i see the sky,no matter it is daylight or in the nite.
You are the one i always thought each time i see the sky.the sky with the color of blue, the color that i love so much. the color of my heart.
And that's the story how i call u blue sky.. The call that i've never used before for some one else.. B'cos you're so special.

Last sunday i went to a mall and stop by at MM Juice to have late lunch..
You know what? i found on the beverages menu a drink they call it the Blue Sky..
I ordered one. The taste was good.It was sour-sop juice mixed with Pepsi Blue.
So you can imagine how the taste it was, huh? :)
I smiled.Apparently, i can see you everywhere.
Hm, how can i ever forget about you, lover?I know I can't, no matter what..
However, i would never forget you because somehow
You,AJ are my Blue Sky...
You are some one with whom I've ever wonder to be part of.
You are my Blue Sky, some one with whom i've ever fall in love with..
You are my Blue Sky, the one with whom i could open up myself and tells you what i feel, how i feel.. who i am in the past, my sadness, my misery, my painfull childhood.
You are the one with whom I could feel so comfort to let myself drowning in to your hug and let myself being a child who miss the tease.
The one i could never ask to some one else.
Do you know why I call you Blue Sky? Simply because I love you...Love,
Blue Ocean