Tuesday, August 21, 2007


if words can describe what i feel inside towards you, i'm gonna write a song about how i feel everytime i spend my time in loneliness. but unfortunately i'm not a song writer nor my words can't describe it. so i let all my feelings fly with a wind with a hope they will touch your ear
if color and shape can express what i keep inside about you, i'm gonna paint a certain color with a certain shape that may say how much i miss u, each time i drowned in another solitude. but i'm not a painter nor ain't got a color and shape to figure it out. so i let this feelin' getting blur in the darkness, with a hope you can see this picture in your sleep.
if i may say with one plain and simple line to express millions of my desire about you, then let me say... I really miss U, with a hope that you can hear it without hesitate. Cos i do miss u so much

* blue ocean*

i really miss you

kau gelorakan lagi riak-riak,
menjadi ombak,
menyeruak.. bergejolak.

kau usik lagi rindu
yang sempat tidur,
menggeliat bangkit
lari berpacu…
dan menderu

menggapai biru langitmu

I really miss U

* blue ocean*

Only You ...

Blue Sky
you never know.. how often i think off you..
and i drowning in my imagination with you in my mind
just you!

i can feel i touch you
i can feel our hand in hand together
dancing with a very slow music playing around us
i whisper your name
whisper again and again so i can feel you more closer
i really miss you ...... blue sky ...

* just us *

our imagination

i dream of u here with me
with nothin on but our imagination

de moment
between bali - jakarta


touch me ...
feel me ...
love me ....

de moment of our togetherness

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

" Hold on my heart "

Blue ocean
Whenever you want me to
Whenever you call I will be there
Yes I will be there

-Blue Sky -

a feeling to love

ajarkan saya bagaimana mencintai kamu dengan sempurna
ajarkan saya bagaimana bisa memelukmu dengan lembut
ajarkan saya menyentuh bibir kamu, bukan dalam impian
ajarkan saya mewujudkan semua rasa menjadi nyata

Middle of our convo in lovely afternoon

* blueocean *

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

De Feeling

fOr tHe sTArS tHaT sPArKLinG iN thE nIghT...

i love you, t... ups, blue sky

-blue ocean-

Monday, August 13, 2007

do you know...

a short note to blue ocean:

do you know that i always miss u?

- blue sky -

A short note to the blue sky

adakah pernah kau sadari
nyanyi laut yang mengalun pada hempasan riak ombak
memecah di pantai sebagai jerit keputus-asaan
ketika pucuk-pucuk buihnya
sia-sia menggapai birumu di batas cakrawala

adakah pernah kau resapi
gemerayap riak gemawan
yang tak pernah mampu menyentuhmu
sebagai butir-butir kerinduanku
yang memuai lalu beku dan menggumpal
kukirimkan untuk menyapamu
agar kau mau sesaat singgah memelukku yang kini resah -

14 Agustus 2007
Blue Ocean

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

cakrawala rindu

Blue Ocean
siang ini kembali kau nyanyikan lagu lagu kesunyian saat kita memadu rindu ..
Kau ungkap kesendirianmu dalam menjalani hari demi hari
memandangku jauh tinggi diatas bersama rembulan..

Blue Ocean
adakah kau tahu bahwa walau kita terpisah oleh jarak ruang dan waktu
tetapi hati kita selalu satu ?
aku selalu bersama mu dibatas cakrawala rindu ?

Jangan pernah merasa sendiri
Jangan pernah merasa sepi
karena cintaku tumbuh ,mengalir berdenyut didalam nadimu

Blue Sky

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

K e k a s i h

disaat laraku
Kau panggil aku " k e k a s i h " ,,
kau hibur jiwaku dengan kata kata indahmu
kau menatap mataku dan berkata
"Buang airmatamu.. "
"Aku kau bahagia selamanya...'
"Aku hanya terdiam,
menitikkan air mata,
bertanya dalam hati,
" Blue Ocean Mengapa Kau bukan " d i a "??"

* bluesky*
moment @ mmc hospital

I miss you

hi dearest
let me tell you a story, about my dream last night..
I met some one in my dream
I saw her at a glance.. just a flashing of shadowing face
In my dream, I feel like I was riding my motorbike, ride to a place that seems so far far away.
A place that I’ve never seen before.

I met some one there…..
Yeah ..Some one I really wanna see for a very long time
But ....you know what, even in my dream,
I can’t fullfill my thirsty to see her face
I can only see her in just a very short moment..
I was passing by a place (in that dream) which I feel that it was her house,
a place for her to hide..
I saw her face in a flash ..
I cant stop and entering that house, no matter how hard I wanna go in
Then I turn back and go back to my place
(still in my dream)

Oh, I remember one thing now..
I saw many layer of silk hanging down from the ceiling
It was dancing by the wind blow
I remembered that I’d once entering that house
Walking down to the terrace which all the seeing things made by wood
It seems like a cabin with a country style
The furnitures..
The teak pillars..
The place seems so empty. I tried to find that face everywhere, but she’d gone

Then I turn go back to my place, all sudden I got a package
She sent me some kind of two things.
I feels like a sim card that we use for our mobile phone..
The package said that she wants me to call her as we’ve been so silent for a quite long time..

Funny thing is (in that dream), I know that she knew my favorit music
I heard a jazz mucis playing around in that dream, came from that package..
Oh, yeah, I got a rip of paper.. with a note...
It was her complaining that why I didn’t come and see her in her place, infact I’ve already been travelling so far to visit her place.
Why didn’t I see her? She wrote that in the message..
Then I awoke up.. dream had gone
But it was you that I suddenly remembering off
Because, it was you some one in that dream, blue sky..
its true
I remember you this morning, with a strong feeling about you
And then, I surprised that when I open my email I got a notice that you posted something in our diary..
So i read what you've posted in there..
How come????

Seems like we have the same thought
You said u miss me
And at the same time, i do missing you here
I was riding my motorbike this morning with you in my head
All sudden I really wanna see you, blue sky
I wanna talk to you not the way we were ‘talking’
Thru the words we wrote, thru the words we read
Thru the thoughts we shared
I know that you knew that I really wanna touch you not the way we’ve been touching each other..
Thru the words we share, touching each other in our mind..
In our thought……..
You said that u miss me
I miss you also, blue sky

I miss the moment that I stand in front of you
Touching your face, your eyes, your lips, your hair
Standing right before your very eyes..
I really wanna see you, the whole you
In time you are happy or sad
I really wanna know that either you’re laugh or cry, I see it with my very own eyes
Not thru the words that I read in the monitor
Like I am doing now.. reading what you’ve already posted.
Thru the diary we share together…
Cos, you know.. I think about you this morning, last nite in my dream, and the day before…
and so many days before

I miss you, so much..

*blue ocean*

missing you

dearest my blue ocean
its been a while we dont share our feelings
but i do hope you always know that im never leave you
actualy ............................................
i needed you
but ...
no words could say to you
my lips is lock..
i couldnt do anythin
its too painfull deep inside of me

i know u always say that
i could lean on you anytime
but ...........................
i dunno
i couldnt do anythin beside missing you

missing you
* blue sky*

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Thank You ..........

Dear Blue Ocean
been a while that I come to visit you again in here
cause for some moment I need time to be all alone in my shore
I knew ..yeah
I knew actually You never let me be all alone
Tears flowin when You said wanna be with me in da hospital
You wanna be there with me not only my family
You willing to spend time to comfort me too
Thank You Blue ocean
I knew your love is very true
I knew your sincere
I knew your heart isnt a stone
I knew you have feeling too but forgive me until now that i couldnt give what i ve already promised ..
its not blank promised
someday i will make up to you at the end of your journey ..

Blue Sky@ Kingdom

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

You dont Have any reason to be jealous

dear blue ocean
in our convo this afternoon you said about "jealousy "
u dont have too ...
u dont have to be jealous w anyone
cause " ur place" couldnt be replace with anyone ..

i knew we only meet in our horizon but
everytime we are together is only us noone else
u and me could share every little thing in our life
our faith
our peacefullness ..
even our deepest fear ...
Blue , U are the source of comfortness
my destination when i need shoulder to cry on and a place that i share my happiness too
Might be i dont express much about my feelings to you but
it doesnt not mean that i dont put attention to you or this blog
I always love you too Blue in a very special way ..
dont ever worry about that

miss you too

Blue Sky

Monday, March 19, 2007

Love is in the air...

Dear Blue Sky
Do you know why i call u blue sky?
B'cos blue is the color of love.. For me, blue is the representative of the feeling of love.
When i'm falling in love, it'll automaticly drivin' me crazy abt blue color..
I change my desktop into blue, i pick color of blue for my tape dispenser..I feel so blue.. B'cos i am fallin in love.
And you? You are the one who make me fall in love..
All you thought, your email, your poem, your pm, your sms, your feeling toward me..
your attention to me.. the way you talk, the way you laugh.. even the way you think..
your smart.
But sadly i can't reach you bcos your place is too high..

You are some where in the height.
You are some one I can only see.
You are some one whose appear in my mind everytime i see the sky,no matter it is daylight or in the nite.
You are the one i always thought each time i see the sky.the sky with the color of blue, the color that i love so much. the color of my heart.
And that's the story how i call u blue sky.. The call that i've never used before for some one else.. B'cos you're so special.

Last sunday i went to a mall and stop by at MM Juice to have late lunch..
You know what? i found on the beverages menu a drink they call it the Blue Sky..
I ordered one. The taste was good.It was sour-sop juice mixed with Pepsi Blue.
So you can imagine how the taste it was, huh? :)
I smiled.Apparently, i can see you everywhere.
Hm, how can i ever forget about you, lover?I know I can't, no matter what..
However, i would never forget you because somehow
You,AJ are my Blue Sky...

You are some one with whom I've ever wonder to be part of.
You are my Blue Sky, some one with whom i've ever fall in love with..
You are my Blue Sky, the one with whom i could open up myself and tells you what i feel, how i feel.. who i am in the past, my sadness, my misery, my painfull childhood.
You are the one with whom I could feel so comfort to let myself drowning in to your hug and let myself being a child who miss the tease.
The one i could never ask to some one else.
Do you know why I call you Blue Sky? Simply because I love you...

Blue Ocean

Nyanyian pantai laut biru.

Seseorang pernah bertanya padaku, seperti apa gerangan pantai yang bernyanyi.
Aku tak menjawabnya, selain melayangkan seutas senyum.Memang tak perlu kujawab karena ia memang tak memerlukan jawaban. Juga tak perlu kuterangkan, karena ia bukanlah laut. Juga bukan pasir-pasir yang menjejali batas antara daratan dan lautan.
Cukuplah bagiku untuk mengetahui nyanyian pantai dengan bahasa yang kumengerti sendiri, dengan telingaku sendiri.
Karena akulah lautan biru, sedang pantai adalah bagian dari jiwaku.
Maka ketika aku mendengarkan nyanyian pantai, sesungguhnya itu adalah bagian dari suara jiwaku. Nyanyian pantai adalah nyanyianku.

Barangkali ada nun jauh disana, di ketinggian yang tak pernah dapat kujangkau,
seseorang yang menggantungkan jiwanya di langit biru.
Seseorang dengan siapa aku bisa berbagi rasa,bernyanyi bersama, saling bersahutan lewat bahasa yang sama di cakrawala. Bahasa yang diwakili oleh satu warna.

Kedalamanku adalah ketinggiannya. Biruku adalah pulasan warna yang dia pantulkan dari kebiruannya. Maka jika aku membiru, seperti itu pulalah jiwanya.
Dan ketika ia kelabu, maka suram pulalah jiwaku.Kelam dan kelabu.

Dan jika seseorang bertanya seperti apa nyanyian pantai, maka itu berarti dia memang tak bisa memahami aku.
Dan memang aku tak pernah berharap seseorang akan bisa memahami jiwaku.
Karena cukup bagiku menatap jauh di ketinggian langit biru, dan memintanya untuk berkaca di biru lautku, dan aku yakin seketika ia akan bisa memahami aku.
Mendengar nyanyianku. Nyanyian pantai laut biru.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Membuka Diri...

My dear blue sky,

Beberapa hari yang lalu kamu pernah bilang bahwa akulah yang mengabaikan kamu. I’m the one who leave, padahal –as you said— you’re always available for me :) ,,, Well I know you are. Actually, I am not leave either. I’m still here, as always watching you way up there, Selalu ada keinginan untuk berbicara dengan kamu,, Selalu ada rasa kangen untuk kita saling curhat dan membuka diri. Kangen sekali.

Tapi itu terpaksa nggak kulakukan, dan satu-satunya alasan kita jadi jarang ‘bicara’ adalah karena aku nggak punya hal lain yang menarik untuk aku bagi denganmu kecuali… keluhanku,, I got nothing to say except complaining,, Ga mungkin ’kan kalo tiap kali kita bicara, isinya tentang segala beban dan uneg2 yang menggangguku,,

Yang paling baik dalam suatu hubungan adalah ketika kita bisa saling berbagi, saling mengisi, saling memberi.. ketika aku memiliki sesuatu, maka aku seharusnya berbagi denganmu.. ketika aku merasakan kekosongan, maka kamu akan hadir mengisi kekosongan itu, ketika kamu membutuhkan aku, maka aku datang memberi apa yang kamu butuhkan, dan sebaliknya.. begitu seterusnya,,

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Forever and ever ....

apapun yang kau alami ..
aku akan selalu berada disini
untuk menyayangimu ...

* U have me forever ..... and ever *
