dear blue ocean
in our convo this afternoon you said about "jealousy "
u dont have too ...
u dont have to be jealous w anyone
cause " ur place" couldnt be replace with anyone ..
i knew we only meet in our horizon but
everytime we are together is only us noone else
u and me could share every little thing in our life
our faith
our peacefullness ..
even our deepest fear ...
Blue , U are the source of comfortness
my destination when i need shoulder to cry on and a place that i share my happiness too
Might be i dont express much about my feelings to you but
it doesnt not mean that i dont put attention to you or this blog
I always love you too Blue in a very special way ..
dont ever worry about that
miss you too
Blue Sky
1 comment:
How can't I be jealous to you, bluesky, if you always playing around with clouds.
You tease the birds to fly high to catch the wind so they can fly higher and higher..
You tease the sun to enlighten the whole things in this world but enlightening you, particulary..
You tease moon and stars to gather, be with you.. make you even more beautiful..
How can't I be jealous if I can only see you sparkling, but never had a chance to touch you, just like the others had.
How can't I be jealous if this is the way to show you how I feel, to let u know what behind that 'jealousy'.. The thing we always simply call.. LOVE
-Blue Ocean-
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