Some times i feel.. uhmm, no, no, no.. I cant continue that word..
Well, what should I say.. hmmm, kay!
First, I think I must apology for being late to respond your sms.. I was on d tide up meeting with pak Adi (hmm, should I mention any name here??? well, okelah.. so many pak Adi's name in this world, isnt it?).. to inventory and update things on the Coal project.
Well, you know.. to start anything is always 'ngerepotin banget', 'kan? .. Begitu juga jalanin project ini. We are setting up a new business in coal mining.. Doing this.. doing that.. evaluate this and that.. A lot of things we must done in this week. So, the meeting was taking place for about 2.5 hours, starting from 4.00pm - 6.30pm.. Fiuuh!!!
What I wanna say to you is I'm so excited rite now, dear... You know I've been drowning with bbrp masalah kemarin-kemarin.. which I wish I could share with you tapi gak sempet2 krn kelamaan mikir! :)) .. I know God is never sleep to watch me. He just gave me back to smile again :) ..
Now I'm thinking about you.. Well, I do always think about you, actually.. But, everytime I stand up from the misery, all sudden I remember you. Thanks for giving me a spirit, dear.. Thanks for cheering up my soul. You always do that..
Ups!!! I was gone to far out of topic... Jeezee, this topic should be 'should we meet' right?
Kay, here is the point..!! bluesky, you've been stand up for me, giving me a support, spirit and time to share, everytime I feel down. Now, I actually want to share this excitement with you.. Beyond the horizon if we can :) That's why I raised that question.. Should we meet??
Hmmm, looks like we've been tempted to cross d border, dont u think? hehehehe...
About your post, I think you have the same place deep down in my heart, skyblue :) You'll always be there.. You'll always be some one I think about during the journey.. You'll be the one I see when I catch the sun in d daylight and the moon when its turn to dark. You are always be a special one.. uncomparable.
So, should we meet and crossing the border? *wink* :D:D:D
Friday, July 29, 2005
Cross de border .....
Dear blue
Today we have loong convo about "cross de border" after de phone hang up
I believe u must be smiling now as im laughing very hard hearing all ur xplaination de importance our meeting :)
uhmmm should we ,would we and could we ???
you you and you quite temptating me with all those justification
I thought we both agree is horizon only our meeting point not any other place in this earth, and even we cant meet but you already knew all my feelings , our silent moment speak a thousand words .
None in this world could replace ur in my heart, None even if theres big storm or any thunders
Nothing gonna replace ur place in me.
None ever gave me special attention like u did de sweet tenderness , de serenade and million attention i couldnt describe one by one .
You got very special way too to love someone darling
Remember ... u got special place in my heart cant be replace by anyone ,anybody
Miss You ........... always
*Blue Sky*
Today we have loong convo about "cross de border" after de phone hang up
I believe u must be smiling now as im laughing very hard hearing all ur xplaination de importance our meeting :)
uhmmm should we ,would we and could we ???
you you and you quite temptating me with all those justification
I thought we both agree is horizon only our meeting point not any other place in this earth, and even we cant meet but you already knew all my feelings , our silent moment speak a thousand words .
None in this world could replace ur in my heart, None even if theres big storm or any thunders
Nothing gonna replace ur place in me.
None ever gave me special attention like u did de sweet tenderness , de serenade and million attention i couldnt describe one by one .
You got very special way too to love someone darling
Remember ... u got special place in my heart cant be replace by anyone ,anybody
Miss You ........... always
*Blue Sky*
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
be a writer..
blue sky,
kamu bilang, kamu yakin bahwa aku bisa jadi penulis -a great writer- suatu saat nanti.. you know you just made me shaking. aku coba inget2 lagi brp orang yang pernah bilang gitu ke aku.. and i found none.
aku bergetar tiap kali kamu bilang begitu.. karena keinginan itu --be a writer-- memang sesuatu yang sejak lama aku inginkan, tapi selama ini aku pendam.. mungkin jika aku gali lagi, aku tahu bahwa keinginan ini --menjadi penulis-- adalah sesuatu yang selama ini memanggilku. pendiam, tertutup, pengamat, lebih suka mendengar ketimbang berbicara, lebih suka bicara lewat tulisan ketimbang lewat kata-kata.. itu semua memang gambaran yang ada padaku, blue sky. it's me.
dan kamu membuat aku bergetar, karena kamu yang menangkap semua keinginanku. meski kamu (lets say) belum terlalu mengenalku..
and that makes you a very special one. kamu memang full of inspiration.
*blue ocean*
kamu bilang, kamu yakin bahwa aku bisa jadi penulis -a great writer- suatu saat nanti.. you know you just made me shaking. aku coba inget2 lagi brp orang yang pernah bilang gitu ke aku.. and i found none.
aku bergetar tiap kali kamu bilang begitu.. karena keinginan itu --be a writer-- memang sesuatu yang sejak lama aku inginkan, tapi selama ini aku pendam.. mungkin jika aku gali lagi, aku tahu bahwa keinginan ini --menjadi penulis-- adalah sesuatu yang selama ini memanggilku. pendiam, tertutup, pengamat, lebih suka mendengar ketimbang berbicara, lebih suka bicara lewat tulisan ketimbang lewat kata-kata.. itu semua memang gambaran yang ada padaku, blue sky. it's me.
dan kamu membuat aku bergetar, karena kamu yang menangkap semua keinginanku. meski kamu (lets say) belum terlalu mengenalku..
and that makes you a very special one. kamu memang full of inspiration.
*blue ocean*
You have a great way to love some one...
Dear Skyblue,
Setiap pagi, ketika aku terjaga dan melihat ke jendela tatkala hari menjelang terang, aku selalu terbawa pada suatu kesadaran dimana kau selalu menjadi bagian dari kesadaran itu. Aku mengingatmu. Kuinginkan atau tidak, sel-sel memori di benakku selalu mengirimkan sinyal isyarat yang lalu kuartikan sebagai sebuah nama, satu sosok, seseorang.. yang mengarah pada dirimu. Aku tahu bahwa kamu selalu ada buatku. Tahu sekali.
I just want u to know that I do care for u. I do know that you'll stand beside me and helping me to overcome my problems. I know. If I choose not to share my problems with you, it just because I am trying to be tough. I do appreciate it, so much..
Kamu memang special, skyblue. The way you treat people is uncomparable. You have a great heart to love some one. When I realize that you put me in that very special place, I can't find any other word to describe it except.. being honoured. I'm flattered, off course. You just shown me what the meaning of.. love conquer everything.
And if I have a chance to come to your place in a such height.. I know I will say this without a hesitate.. I love you.
Remember, when we talk on the phone while you were in the car on your way home, I once said.. 'I love you'.. It because I can't stand the feeling grows in me when we know each other more and more.. I can't stand to keep it any while longer.. Your thought, your oh-so-lovely voice, your oh-so-crispy laugh, your vision, your 'aks.. I can not make my self forget all of you.. No matter how hard I want it so.
Now, I want u to know that you always have me too.. I wont go from the point I stand right now. My ocean will always available for your blue.. As we are aware that this relationship is gonna make as be better, then why should we switch the mode is off? 'Available mode will always on'.. Maybe we also have to switch the 'caution mode is on' at the certain time :) But the point is, we're always be a digital diary one to another..
As we can meet in the horizon at an uncertain time, then let us make it a very special time when it comes.. A time to share the blue, a time to care each other that I just wanna love you...
Setiap pagi, ketika aku terjaga dan melihat ke jendela tatkala hari menjelang terang, aku selalu terbawa pada suatu kesadaran dimana kau selalu menjadi bagian dari kesadaran itu. Aku mengingatmu. Kuinginkan atau tidak, sel-sel memori di benakku selalu mengirimkan sinyal isyarat yang lalu kuartikan sebagai sebuah nama, satu sosok, seseorang.. yang mengarah pada dirimu. Aku tahu bahwa kamu selalu ada buatku. Tahu sekali.
I just want u to know that I do care for u. I do know that you'll stand beside me and helping me to overcome my problems. I know. If I choose not to share my problems with you, it just because I am trying to be tough. I do appreciate it, so much..
Kamu memang special, skyblue. The way you treat people is uncomparable. You have a great heart to love some one. When I realize that you put me in that very special place, I can't find any other word to describe it except.. being honoured. I'm flattered, off course. You just shown me what the meaning of.. love conquer everything.
And if I have a chance to come to your place in a such height.. I know I will say this without a hesitate.. I love you.
Remember, when we talk on the phone while you were in the car on your way home, I once said.. 'I love you'.. It because I can't stand the feeling grows in me when we know each other more and more.. I can't stand to keep it any while longer.. Your thought, your oh-so-lovely voice, your oh-so-crispy laugh, your vision, your 'aks.. I can not make my self forget all of you.. No matter how hard I want it so.
Now, I want u to know that you always have me too.. I wont go from the point I stand right now. My ocean will always available for your blue.. As we are aware that this relationship is gonna make as be better, then why should we switch the mode is off? 'Available mode will always on'.. Maybe we also have to switch the 'caution mode is on' at the certain time :) But the point is, we're always be a digital diary one to another..
As we can meet in the horizon at an uncertain time, then let us make it a very special time when it comes.. A time to share the blue, a time to care each other that I just wanna love you...
Monday, July 25, 2005
Tentang Biru.. Tentang Waktu

Dear Blue Sky,
Yang menyatukan kita memang warna. Kau memiliki biru di langitmu, dan aku memiliki biru di lautku. Tak pernah sekalipun aku bosan menikmati warna yang kau tebarkan. Mulai sejak aku membuka mata dan terjaga, hingga ketika langit menjelang kelam. Birumu selalu menggugahku.
Yang menyatukan kita memang warna. Kau memiliki biru di langitmu, dan aku memiliki biru di lautku. Tak pernah sekalipun aku bosan menikmati warna yang kau tebarkan. Mulai sejak aku membuka mata dan terjaga, hingga ketika langit menjelang kelam. Birumu selalu menggugahku.
Dan kau,
Dua tahun memang bukan waktu yang panjang agar aku bisa lebih dalam mengenalmu. Tak banyak lembaran kenangan yang bisa kita gali direntang waktu sependek itu.
Tapi dua tahun juga bukan waktu sesaat untuk mengakhiri kisah yang sesungguhnya belum pernah kita mulai. Rentang waktu yang sesungguhnya sanggup mematikan percikan api kerinduan yang tak disertai keinginan untuk terus hidup, membesar dan membakar.
Tak ada riak...
Tak ada gejolak...
Namun nyatanya api itu terus menyala, seperti matahari yang kau genggam. Menghangatkan birunya lautku, menghangatkan air yang menyelimuti kedalamanku ruang hatiku. Menggugah gerak di dasarku.
Dan kau katakan padaku tentang tempat kita berjumpa di cakrawala. Di bidang mana biruku dan birumu menyatu. Di garis mana mengaburkan batas antara langit dan laut biru, menghilangkan penyekat diantara kita. Seperti halnya ketika kau aku berjumpa di dimensi yang maya, kita menyatu hati.
Dan kau katakan padaku tentang tempat kita berjumpa di cakrawala. Di bidang mana biruku dan birumu menyatu. Di garis mana mengaburkan batas antara langit dan laut biru, menghilangkan penyekat diantara kita. Seperti halnya ketika kau aku berjumpa di dimensi yang maya, kita menyatu hati.
Maka jika memang harus kita 'hanya' bisa bertemu di kebiruan cakrawala, maka jadilah. Karena dimana pun, biru kita akan selalu sama. Langit dan laut akan selalu bercengkrama.
*Blue Ocean*
*Blue Ocean*
Dear Blue Ocean
Dearest Blue Ocean
after we talk this evening, I listening one of my fave song
* English Man in New York *
I'm an alien I'm a legal alien
I'm an Englishman in New York
I'm an alien I'm a legal alien
I'm an Englishman in New York
Modesty, propriety can lead to notoriety
You could end up as the only one
Gentleness, sobriety are rare in this society
At night a candle's brighter than the sun
Takes more than combat gear to make a man
Takes more than a license for a gun
Confront your enemies, avoid them when you can
A gentleman will walk but never run
If, "Manners maketh man" as someone said
Then he's the hero of the dayIt takes a man to suffer ignorance and smile
"Be yourself no matter what they say"
Blue `I knew u have lots of problem lately but like that song "Be yourself no matter what that say "just be U , my blue ocean always stand up in any weather , Nothing in this world could change ur colours
tonight i open our digital diary" voala "found ur ancient email since 2 years ago
whewwww Time goes by we have been through so many things
silent moment speaks a thousand words
i never realised our feelings getting stronger to one another even we only meet in a horizon :)
*blue sky*
after we talk this evening, I listening one of my fave song
* English Man in New York *
I'm an alien I'm a legal alien
I'm an Englishman in New York
I'm an alien I'm a legal alien
I'm an Englishman in New York
Modesty, propriety can lead to notoriety
You could end up as the only one
Gentleness, sobriety are rare in this society
At night a candle's brighter than the sun
Takes more than combat gear to make a man
Takes more than a license for a gun
Confront your enemies, avoid them when you can
A gentleman will walk but never run
If, "Manners maketh man" as someone said
Then he's the hero of the dayIt takes a man to suffer ignorance and smile
"Be yourself no matter what they say"
Blue `I knew u have lots of problem lately but like that song "Be yourself no matter what that say "just be U , my blue ocean always stand up in any weather , Nothing in this world could change ur colours
tonight i open our digital diary" voala "found ur ancient email since 2 years ago
whewwww Time goes by we have been through so many things
silent moment speaks a thousand words
i never realised our feelings getting stronger to one another even we only meet in a horizon :)
*blue sky*
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