Some times i feel.. uhmm, no, no, no.. I cant continue that word..
Well, what should I say.. hmmm, kay!
First, I think I must apology for being late to respond your sms.. I was on d tide up meeting with pak Adi (hmm, should I mention any name here??? well, okelah.. so many pak Adi's name in this world, isnt it?).. to inventory and update things on the Coal project.
Well, you know.. to start anything is always 'ngerepotin banget', 'kan? .. Begitu juga jalanin project ini. We are setting up a new business in coal mining.. Doing this.. doing that.. evaluate this and that.. A lot of things we must done in this week. So, the meeting was taking place for about 2.5 hours, starting from 4.00pm - 6.30pm.. Fiuuh!!!
What I wanna say to you is I'm so excited rite now, dear... You know I've been drowning with bbrp masalah kemarin-kemarin.. which I wish I could share with you tapi gak sempet2 krn kelamaan mikir! :)) .. I know God is never sleep to watch me. He just gave me back to smile again :) ..
Now I'm thinking about you.. Well, I do always think about you, actually.. But, everytime I stand up from the misery, all sudden I remember you. Thanks for giving me a spirit, dear.. Thanks for cheering up my soul. You always do that..
Ups!!! I was gone to far out of topic... Jeezee, this topic should be 'should we meet' right?
Kay, here is the point..!! bluesky, you've been stand up for me, giving me a support, spirit and time to share, everytime I feel down. Now, I actually want to share this excitement with you.. Beyond the horizon if we can :) That's why I raised that question.. Should we meet??
Hmmm, looks like we've been tempted to cross d border, dont u think? hehehehe...
About your post, I think you have the same place deep down in my heart, skyblue :) You'll always be there.. You'll always be some one I think about during the journey.. You'll be the one I see when I catch the sun in d daylight and the moon when its turn to dark. You are always be a special one.. uncomparable.
So, should we meet and crossing the border? *wink* :D:D:D